The conditional probability of event A given event B is a very important concept that seems straightforward. “If I know that B has occured, what is the probability that A has occured?”

However, a few points of confusion came up as I learned about generative models and conditional probabilities (see this post).

What confused me

If \(x\) is a vector in the space of images and \(z\) is a vector in the latent space of the image classifications, and if we want to generate an image of a rose, then we need to sample from the conditional probability distribution \(x \sim P(x \mid z_0)\), where \(z_0\) is the category “rose”.

But we know that the conditional probability can be expressed as

\[P(x \mid z) = \frac{P(x,z)}{P(z)}. \label{eq:1}\]

So let’s assume that we are given the joint probability density \(P(x,z)\), because that is determined by how the images fit into the various classification and should not depend on our arbitrary choice of a rose image. Then, since we decided to generate a rose image, which means that \(z\) is definitely the rose value \(z_0\), we need to set \(P(z)\) to be a delta function at \(z_0\). But \(P(z)\) is supposed to be the marginal distribution, calculated by integrating \(P(x,z)\) over \(x\), so it cannot be affected by our arbitrary choice of \(z_0\). So there is a contradiction…

And why it actually makes sense

Here’s where I went wrong: the joint distribution fully determines the marginal distribution. So we are not allowed to arbitrarily specify both the joint distribution \(P(x,z)\) and the marginal distribution \(P(z)\). And there are two approaches to thinking about this.

In the first approach, if we assume that there is a “global truth”, a joint distribution \(P(x,z)\) that is valid for any choice of \(z\), then \(P(z)\) is the probability that a randomly sampled image has the classification of \(z\), and \(P(z)\) has nothing to do with whether or not we decided to generate a rose image. So it is INCORRECT to set \(P(z)\) to be a delta function at \(z_0\). The correct method is to take \(P(x,z)\), divide it by \(P(z)\) (which is calculated by marginalizing \(P(x,z)\) over \(x\)), and evaluate the quotient at \(z=z_0\).

In the second approach, we assume that the state of the world has evolved so that \(z=z_0\) in the current state of the world. Then, \(P(z)\) would indeed be a delta function at \(z_0\). And \(P(x,z)\) would have evolved so that when you marginalize it over \(x\) (i.e., \(\int P(x,z) dx = P(z)\)), we get a \(P(z)\) that says that the event \(z=z_0\) occurs with certainty.

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