In linear algebra, we learn that we can choose any set of \(n\) independent vectors from a \(n\)-dimensional vectors space \(V\), and that set will be a basis for \(V\). This is non-intuitive for me, and every once in a while, I realize that I’ve forgotten why this is so, and then have to re-learn it. So here is a quick-and-informal explanation with no equations that is hopefully easier to remember, and maybe it’s also a fun exercise to see if you can recreate this while on a walk. It largely follows the explanation from Tom M. Apostol’s Calculus Volume II (which did have many equations).

(Ok, so I cheated by using words to express some equations, but at least I don’t have any complicated notation…)

Step 1: A \(k\)-dimensional space cannot have more than \(k\) independent vectors

We would like to prove this theorem: Any \(k+1\) vectors (call these the “chosen vectors”) from the vector space spanned by \(k\) independent vectors must be dependent. We use induction, and start with the \(2\) chosen vectors case. Then we prove that if the theorem holds for \(k\) chosen vectors from a span of \(k-1\) independent vectors, then it must hold for \(k+1\) chosen vectors from a span of \(k\) independent vectors.

The \(2\) chosen vectors (chosen from the span of \(1\) independent vector) case is trivial, as the span of a single vector consists of scalar multiples of the vector. And any two multiples are dependent.

For the \(k+1/k\) proof when given the \(k/k-1\) proof:

Express the \(k+1\) chosen vectors as linear combinations of the \(k\) independent vectors. This gives us a \((k+1)\) x \(k\) matrix. In each row of the matrix, the numbers in the \(k\) columns are the coefficients for the \(k\) independent vectors. If the first column of the matrix is completely zeros, that would mean that the \(k+1\) chosen vectors are taken from the span of just \(k-1\) independent vectors, and via the \(k/k-1\) proof we see that the \(k+1\) chosen vectors must be dependent.

Therefore, let’s assume that the first column is not completely zeros. Take one of the rows that is non-zero in the first column, and re-order things so that it becomes the first row in the matrix. Subtract some multiple of that row from all other rows, Gaussian-elimination style, so that all the other rows have zero in the first column. Each of those rows initially represented a chosen vector being equal to a linear combination of \(k\) independent vectors. After the Gaussian-elimination phase, since we zeroed-out the first number and now only have at most \(k-1\) non-zero numbers in a given row, that row now represents a linear combination of \(k-1\) independent vectors, being equal to the chosen vector for that row minus a multiple of the chosen vector for the first row.

So this means that, considering the \(k\) rows that now have a zero in the first column, we have \(k\) vectors from the span of \(k-1\) independent vectors. By applying the \(k/k-1\) proof, we see that we must be able to construct a nontrivial representation of \(0\) with those \(k\) vectors. When we write out that nontrivial representation of \(0\), we see that at least one of the chosen vectors from rows \(2\) to \(k+1\) must have a nonzero coefficient, and this proves that the set of \(k+1\) chosen vectors is dependent.

Step 2:

We would like to prove: given a \(n\)-dimensional vector space \(V\) that has a basis \(B\), we can choose any set \(C\) of \(n\) independent vectors from \(V\), and \(C\) will be a basis for \(V\).

Each vector in \(C\) can be expressed as a linear combination of the basis vectors in \(B\), so span(\(C\)) is also spanned by \(B\), so span(\(C\)) is a subset of \(V\).

Suppose for contradiction that \(V\) includes a vector \(x\) that is not in span(\(C\)). Then the set constructed by adding \(x\) to \(C\) is a set of \(n+1\) vectors that are independent. But this set is comprised of vectors from \(V\), so we have \(n+1\) independent vectors from a \(n\)-dimensional space, which is impossible, per Step 1 above. Therefore, \(V\) is a subset of span(\(C\)).

Therefore, \(V\) is the same as span(\(C\)).

Therefore, any set of \(n\) independent vectors chosen from \(V\) is also a basis of \(V\).

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